This is our story, and today i just wanted to share how it all began ❤️ As soon as I saw you, I knew that this was just the beginning of our biggest adventure. It all began in New York. 🍎 We still do not know the exact date but we definitely remember how it felt. We were both in our first week at work which means that we were looking to meet new people and at the same time to get to know everything that was around us. Danielle had a couple of weeks more in college and then that was it, she was going to be graduated and the opportunity to freely make any decision she wanted, the world was a white canvas. In the other hand, I was in the big apple craving for adventures. Everyone that knows Danielle, knows that is difficult to meet someone more energetic and positive than her. And exactly the same can be said of Me, so when we both met ours first dates were, a picnic in Central Park, a trip to Niagara Falls, a road trip to Boston on the 4th of July and a rainy day at Starbucks ( Yeah six perfect hours having amazing life chats) Seen as an outsider, anyone would have thought this was a classic story in which after a while, both parts would go back to their hometown on one will just be a memory for the other one and that's it. But we, we are not classic we created new rules and the curiosity, wanderlust, and love we share was enough to keep a relationship in the distance. Here is were the "Panamá bike trip" takes place. Yeah after less than a month we can say that our 5-6ish date was Danielle saying to her parents. Hey, guys, I love you but I will quit my job and travel to Panamá by bike for 32 days... See ya! And that first flight was the beginning of the rest of our adventurous and happy life. 😍 @danielledwyer_ #ourstory #valentinesday #valentines #bemyvalentine #bae #wouldyoubemyvalentine #love #lovestory #couple #mybae


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Contándole al mundo sobre mis fracasos y mis logros. Aunque, son casi lo mismo ¿Verdad? Escribe abajo en los comentarios un fracaso que te llevo a un logro y te prometo que te respondo con una historía mía probablemente similar. Hey este es el último fin de semana para que compren mi curso online "De pasión a proyecto lucrativo" para todos los que quieren dar el primer paso en el mundo 💵 digital. Link en mi bio o aquí #thenetworklounge #nomadadigital #curso #charla #fracasos #emprendedor #saldelsofa #blog #blogger #influencer